John O'Driscoll

I paint and draw images of the world straight from life and photos or sometimes a combination. Also Memory. Landscapes, portraits, etc Painting landscapes out door beats working in a cramped dim room when the weather is good

You can check out my work on my various blogs . All in the Name of Liberty, a diary of work in progress I share with Vassis(I post as 'liberty') which began as a show we did together, Political Geometry is for political portraits and phantasmagoria, and I projects like the Newtown Last Supper, a mural at Newtown Mission, a free cafe and drop in centre, using portraits of clients and volunteers


View from the Record Crate

Broadway Cement Pump

Camperdown Park in Winter

Goodbye Waves

$Million View

Opera House From the Botanic Gardens

Point the Finger

Nadine Stransen (RIP)

See the catalogue for prices

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