Art and Nature - catalogue

John O'Driscoll View from the Record Crate $300
John O'Driscoll Camperdown Park in Winter $300
Tina Cheung Mother and Child with Melons $400
John O'Driscoll - Broadway Cement Pump $600
Michael Johnstone Glue flowers $350
John O'Driscoll Portrait of Nadine (RIP) $800 - half to go to the foundation her sister is setting up to promote transgender education
Tina Cheung White Flower $500
8   Michael Johnstone Apostrophes $350
9   John O'Driscoll Goodbye Waves (Sea Ice melting out) $120
10   John O'Driscoll Point the Finger $100 (which won't be going to the Cayman Islands)
11   Tina Cheung - Rosess on a Colour Field $500
12   Michael Johnstone   Diagonal $190
13  Tina Cheung Diva in the Garden - $200
14  Tina Cheung Voluptuous Flower $250
15  John O'Driscoll Opera House from the Botanic Gardens $400
16  John O'Driscoll $Million View / warship in Woolloomooloo $300
17  Tina Cheung Pink Flower $200

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